Sunday, May 5, 2013

My Prom 2013

Kelly! since you want to know the details about my prom here it is :D
Am going to post all the picture i took of my friends mostly. There was only one picture of me.

So i went in my teachers car, since a limo is too expensive! I first i didn't want to go to prom my teacher force me to and am glad that she did
Here is are my two friends that went with us in the car:)
hahaha i took this picture of my friend secretly! 
More of my friends acting asain! I like the background!
My friend and her date.
I like how this photo looks hehehe
I like the circle thingy;s

That is basically it i did not really have too much time to take photos. I was to busy dancing lol I had lot of fun, good thing my teacher force me to go! but its too bad that some of my other friends did not want to go!  
oh yea they also had a photo booth, hope you found this interesting :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

GATSBY Oil Clear Sheet Review.

Konichiwa minasan! ( Hello Everyone!)

I am very excited to do this review because i have not done a review in 1 year and also because this is very great product that i use daily!  Let me first begin by tell you how i found this product. So one of my friends introduced me to oil sheet's and for people that don't really know what this is, it is basically a piece of paper/ plastic that takes way the excess oil from your skin. She got hers from this store called the FACE SHOP (korean) for around $5.00 and only had 50 sheets I found that kind of expensive. So I went around to find if there was any other bands that are cheaper and i found Gatsby oil sheets. I was already a fan of Gatsby because of their amazing hair products so i was like i have to try this! and it was only $3.99 for 70 sheets! Oh i almost forgot to say I have VERY oil skin because of my big pores and acne prone skin ;(

Benefits of using oil sheets:

  • If you have acne prone skin like i do I recommend  you using this  because your skin during the day starts to producing more oil and collects dirt causing more pimples.
  • I also notice that when i use this my skin looks more lighter like i just washed my face. No seriously even my friends notice.!

So now on to the product~
Ok first of all i love the design of the holder it's very practical.  It has the little tab that is sticky and will dispense 1 sheet every time pull it .  but warning do not take 1 out if you are not going to use it right way because it hard to put it back in!

So the sheet it self feels plasticy but not like a thin plastic bag HEHE
it's a lot more thicker.

How to use: VERY simple you just have to PAT it on you face. DONE~ ( wow that was fast )

But are you still contemplating weather to buy this other than type/brands of oil sheets? Ok so let me tell you my experience with other types of oil sheets. So i have tried the paper oil sheets. they are basically like thin tissue. I do not recommend those at all they do not   absorb as good as the plastic type. I bought one on ebay by bidding for around $2.00 they came to me 3 weeks later. For the price it was OK not great thou. I Needed 5 paper sheet to do the job of 1 Gatsby Sheet. Here is a  picture the design is not so great too.

Where to buy? I bought mines in the korean super market for $3.99 :)
If you don't have a asain market or Asian beauty supplies around or can't find Gatsby at all.
I recommend you trying EBAY I have seen them around $3.00-$5.00 and free shipping. It all depends on the saler but i think they are mostly a few cent cheaper online. If you can't FIND Gatsby at ALLL try  to aim for plastic sheet versions they are WAYYYY better then the paper versions.

Thank you for reading my review hopefully you found it helpful and enjoyed it. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Wish you the best of luck! Like Gatsby on Facebook.  

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Importants of Sunscreen!

Why do you need to wear sunscreen you ask?
Sunscreen is very important to you daily routine, Just as brushing your teeth is.
It protects your skin against UVA burning UVB rays.

<---- These are sunspot, They are cause from being out in the sun so much. Usually you see old people with this because back in the day people did not have sunscreen. So to prevent from this from happening use sunscreen Daily, in the long run you be happy that you did.
Also because you can prevent skin cancer especially if you do lots of sports in the sun or work in the sun or do any activity in the sun.

Usually when you have too much sun exposure your skin starts too peel
once that happens you have to put a lot of cream to hydrate your skin.
Your skin looks horrible when this happens, trust me I bee through this.
I was out in the sun for this school event and stupid little me forgot to sunscreen on my nose.... got a nose tan.
Btw drink Green Tea , one of the benefit is that to provide a natural way for sunblock ( but you still have to use sunscreen)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I love this song my friend Alice introduced me to it. I Like the plot of the video. She is so cute! :3

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